We decided to stay at this motel based on the website photos for the various rooms. We choose the one-bedroom unit with poolside entry because we liked the quality-look of the bathroom. Upon getting our room we found the bathroom was not the one shown. It was okay but misleading, which was disappointing. However, our main concern was the state of some of the furniture. The outside chair had dreadful breaks/slices/rips in the plastic. I have included photos. When a site states, 'quality', that is what we expect.
The owners were not there so I was given their email to voice our concerns over the furniture and the issue that if showing a bathroom then that is what you should expect to get.
The email I received stated that they were aware of the chairs and were awaiting delivery of new ones with no dates for delivery.
Really? These chairs have wear and tear on the arms from months of use. The bottoms are dropping out? Why not get another design if the same ones are not available.
The outside chair complaint reply: The housekeeping team had cleaned the unit prior to our arrival and had not mentioned it? They have replaced it.
Excuse me? Kind of implies we were responsible or their housekeeping team need a lesson on quality.
Bathroom issue reply. They have several units with the same bathroom we had and the photos are not necessarily directed at a single unit? The motel is 20 years old.
What? The age of the motel is not a client's concern.If you state 'quality' then quality is what you expect. Be honest and show the other bathrooms.
I answered back by saying an apology, rather than a defensive approach might have been in order. Haven't heard back,
Bit of a shame as the units were roomy and generally fine. Spending a bit of money on two new chairs and one outside chair seems the smartest way to go rather than expect client's to use shabby furniture. As to the bathroom, show the different bathrooms.