Our kids came back and were trying to watch the game with us when they were told they were not allowed to be in the bar area bc it was 21 plus. There is not one sign posted stating that is is 21 plus at all or that kids aren't allowed in there. So our kids went and sat in the lobby to finish the celtics game, this was just after another baseball team had left the lobby area. when the front desk employee named Ashley started screaming at all of the kids to pick up the lobby area, saying they were throwing things around. This wasnt even our kids it was the other baseball team that was in there prior but our kids picked it up anyways. After the bar closed 5 of us adults went outside to sit by the fire and the fire was off. We tried to start the fire again with some newspaper and the bartender came out yelling at us to put it out. We put it out immediately when she asked, not really understanding the problem bc why couldn't we sit by the fire? the night prior the fire was on until 3 am. Our kids where at the fire with us sitting there and Ashley, the Front desk employee came out and started screaming at us that we couldn't light a fire and if we did this again we would be removed from the hotel. Ashely proceeded to scream at all of us and then when our kids weren't looking at her while she was yelling she started screaming at our kids "are you listening to me do you understand youre not listening and youre not going to ignore me" Another dad said don't yell at my kids, Ashley proceeded to keep screaming at us do you understand? I don't think you get it etc etc. I finally looked at her and said "you need to stop screaming at us, we aren't children, we are grown adults and we did what was asked the first time. I said and i have had enough with you screaming at our kids, all you have done all night is yell at them, they aren't allowed in the pool, the lobby or the lounge so where would you like them to go? I said if you don't like your job, then don't work here but by no means will you continue to scream at us." We sent our kids to bed and about 30 minutes later the cops showed up. they asked us what happened and we told them, they told us she was trying to remove us from the hotel. it was 3 am and our kids had been sound asleep for well over an hour. I went in to talk to her with a police officer and she said the general manger mike already approved us to leave. I asked to speak with him. She got him on the phone and I asked him what the reasoning was for removing us because we did nothing wrong, Ashley said "You told me to find a new job and you stood up in my face and were threating me and swearing at me" I said that never happened, I was sitting in a chair, and you have been screaming at everyone all night, you just are mad bc I told you to stop yelling at everyone. I asked her if they had cameras out front and to pull the cameras she refused. The General manger told me We were no longer welcome at the hotel, I asked him why? and on what grounds are you removing us? He said youre not welcome at our hotel and we don't need to give you a reason and he was refunding all of my rooms in full. so you want us to wake up our 14 year old children at 3 am and leave with no where to go? Then ashley told the cop to go arrest my sleeping 14 year olds and me and the other parents. She was yelling at the cop and the cop told her she didnt get to decide who they arrested. They tried to just get them to let us go to bed bc this was ridiculous. Our kids had a baseball game at 9 am and now I have to rip them out of bed find a place for them to get a few hours of sleep in the middle of Memorial Day. I called corporate and asked if they could just tell us we aren't welcome and to leave and she said no, she tried calling the hotel and Ashley put her on hold and would not speak to her. The Saratoga Police got us a room at another hotel and kept apologizing to us for what happened.