Was at the Asian Restuarant. There were only 2 table ours 1 table and a my Ex College mate & his family ano table . ….. for my dinner I hv to wait for abt an hour. When ask a male waiter why so late, he told me there is only 1 cook….. later I. call a lady, she told me she will check on our food, she never came back.
Spoke to the guest on the next table, was told it is quite normal to wait a long time in the Restaurant for the food.
The Restaurant was serving the food for the other table of 7….. mine was 3 person dinner, I paid RM206 …. Guess this would be my last….. if 2 table with me being 1st customer for dinner and my family have to wait for an hour for our food, what would you
Chung 0168323137