When we arrived the greeting was scanty and brisk. Only the man spoke to us; the woman was never introduced and showed no interest in us during our stay except to demand that we keep our shoes on in the house and not leave them by the door.
There was no sitting area for guests except in a crowded and uncomfortable room which served as a passageway.
We had booked the most expensive, ensuite room. The other accommodation had even less privacy.
Breakfast was a rushed affair (the woman, whose name we never heard spoken) did not appear. The man did not speak to us when we arrived in the common breakfast area, at one end of the kitchen, so we introduced ourselves to the other guests and made do with what was on the table. Eventually were offered a fried egg. After many of the other guests had finished eating a half-heated offer of croissant was made, but we were just happy to pay up and get out of the unfriendly atmosphere.
We had good experiences in New Zealand; this was not one.