I feel compelled to write this review to warn others who might have specific needs, such as a functional gym, when choosing accommodation. I recently attended a conference in Auckland and went with the accommodation options recommended as part of the conference package. Only one of the 4 options offered an in-house gym facility. Unfortunately, while the Quadrant Hotel accommodation and location were adequate for my needs, the advertised “high-tech” gym is woeful and fits into the false advertising category. I had to laugh when viewing the in-house TV spiel on the range of high tech fitness equipment and the property not being held responsible for any personal injury caused from the use of the equipment. The non-electronic exercise bike was at least 10 years old and broken, the rowing machined was broken, but the ancient treadmill did work (I preferred to walk outside in fresh air). Calling the ancient, limited scope multi-function workout station a modern piece of equipment was truly laughable. The only free weights were an ancient adjustable dumbbell set that were broken and unusable. Expressing my concern to the front desk was met with complete indifference. Unfortunately I had already paid upfront and could not get any joy on a refund.