My partner and I were at the Melbourne airport since the morning (Flew from Hobart JQ702, arrived early at approximately 09:50AM) so we waited until the next flight which was scheduled for 15:50PM on the same day - based on our check-in/ boarding pass. We waited for the information regarding the gate to be released/shown on the board. At approximately 15:00-15:30 the flight JQ778 was shown on the board with "Relax your gate information will be shown in 5 mins" and we noted the flight schedule time is now 16:20 as per the board. We waited until 15:45 in which it showed gate 46. We then walked down to the gate and as there was no seat left directly at the gate we sat further down near the Jetstar service desk, ?gate 44-43 as we could visibly see gate 46 and 47 and there were only people boarding for gate 47, we patiently waited. All announcements we heard up to this point were for Launceston and Brisbane, respective. e were curious and worried for delays, we heard all the final calls for other flights and calls with passengers names for other flights. Then we heard one announcement made for all the last passengers for flight JQ778 please come to gate 46 urgently. So we stood up and walked across to the gate, we then saw two gentlemen who spoke to two ladies at the gate who told them that they were too late and that the flight has already departed ?! We asked if this was for flight JQ778 as we did not hear any statement or annoucement until just 15 seconds ago, the lady then told us off that announcements were made despite knowing the two gentlemen were sitting right in front of the gate and they did not see the gate open let alone anyone queuing up. We then promptly spoke to the ladies at the service desk near by and explained the situation. One lady wearing Jetstar uniform with glasses, blonde and appeared to be in early 30s just accused and blamed us instead for not hearing the announcement in which we explained there was no announcements made, and that we are happy to review the cctv with them to confirm. She and her colleagues then became aggressive and proceed to say "Other 170 passengers got in even without an announcement, how did you four not get in?". Soon after, one of the gentlemen that was also involved in the incident got aggressive in response; he started yelling and cursing due to frustration that not one announcement was made, and that when one was finally made the airplane already departed and gate was already closed. He and another gentleman were sitting right at the gate so they were very confident with the information. We then approached the ladies behind the counter and asked for alternatives/ solutions and why there was not even a single final call for any of the remaining passengers that already checked in including us four. We got a yell "it is your responsibility to view the boarding pass and check the information not us.". We were too shocked with the overall experience, we walked away to process the information and what happened. We then came to the Jetstar service counter downstairs to hoping to get solutions or at least an explanation. The lady at the counter named Ahina? came to the same conclusion without letting us finished, she also assumed there were announcements and that the remaining passengers did board regardless despite the other gentleman also followed is through to seek for a solutions and/or compensations. We are simply very disappointed at the overall service, considering we had to force ourselves and ask if there is anything they can do, not once they apologise for not making an announcement nor final calls for any of us. At the end instead of paying the transfer fee of $90 per person for the next available flight on the next day. We decided to pay $400 each person for a flight ticket with Virgin instead so we do not have to deal with the rude service from Jetstar again.