I am nineteen and I was returning home after studying abroad. On my long 14 hour flight from Doha to Philadelphia I had the misfortune of becoming sick on the plane. It was just a very unfortunate situation, I felt terrible and it probably wasn't very much fun for everyone around me either but all of the Qatar Airways staff was absolutely wonderful and helpful for me. The flight attendants were very professional and followed the medical procedures to get the right medications and treatment for me, and they were also very kind. They checked in on me a lot, and also gave me a change of clothes. So even through it was a bad situation I am really grateful to how the Qatar Airways staff managed it.
And also I am not sure that they will ever see this but I also want to thank the people sitting next to me. It was a man and a woman from the south of India, and they were just such wonderful and kind people. Basically the man moved his seat so I could lie down and the woman was patting my face with a wet cloth even though I was a total stranger, and being able to sleep like that there was probably the only reason I survived the flight. So thank you so much for your kindness, I wish there were more people like you in the world.