This was our second time to fly with British Airways in six months.
First experience - great!
This experience - no so great!
Delayed out of Nashville three hours.
Missed our connecting flight in Chicago due to delay.
This began an unfortunate string of events that could have ruined our trip, but we didn't allow it to.
Plane was smaller than we expected but was only about two hours, so it was fine.
Smaller plane = smaller seats/legroom
A snack was served.
I would recommend you see the next review posted from me that continues this flight from Chicago to Rome and see where this adventure took us and how the delays affected us.
British Airways / American Airlines are pointing the fingers at each other and refuse to claim responsibility or offer any form of compensation for delays, missed flights, delayed luggage (4 days), missed transfers, lost hotel nights paid for, etc., etc., etc.
Will I use them again? Never say never - but they won't be on the top of my list.