Ladies and gentelmen, it has been over 4 month since Blue decided to take money from thousands of people and dissapear from the face of the earth! well, no surprises there, but at least the money you stole from people should at least go back into their bank accounts giving the fact that is the main reason you are in this position. No ofence, but why it is OUR fault YOU STOLE money and now you are doing it again? Your lame facebook posts won't do anything, and no way to be in contact with your company. I WANT MY MONEY BACK. I hope to god you guys won't come back EVER. I'll make a formal complain to the Romanian Government, you guys keep insinuating that you have their support. You do not deserve support as you've shown NONE towards your customers. I am glad you guys were caught when you were, I feel bad for those who suffered and spent thousands with you over the course of years!