I'm interested in moving to Saipan. However I can't find a way to move my pets to the island. Does anyone know of any pet relocating companies or any advice?
We live on Saipan and tried going through 2 different services to get our dogs to Saipan from the west coast.
Lisa Meador Schoppa-Animal Travel Agent LLC was who we got the farthest with, and Island Pet Movers was the other company that showed some promise.
It was a PROCESS and was very expensive. Communication with both companies was horrible, dates would get set and then cancelled and the cost was approximately $8000 per pet! It was truly miserable.
The only airline that will serve the area is United AIrlines and they have suspended their pet shipping several years ago, no idea when/if it may return. Essentially, because of a concept of something called "cabotage", no foreign airlines may take cargo/passengers from US to US, and United is the only domestic airlines serving Saipan.
The other part of the process is getting the necessary approval from the Saipan authorities to bring your pet to the island. Of course, there are required vaccinations, specialized vet forms, and a rabies test that is only performed in one place in the US, Kansas I believe.
It is doable, but is far from a simple process overall. We were able to finally get our pet here, but took some effort and expense. Good luck