Any suggestions for restaurants in the Berwyn/Valley Forge area? Good American or Italian fare at reasonable prices.
You may want to try Ristorante Verona which is located in Frazer or Fellini Cafe Trattoria which is located in Berwyn. I have not been to the Fellini in Berwyn but the owner has the same restaurant in another location and it is great. Both are reasonably priced and Verona feels romantic and has a European feel inside.
Try Anthony's in Malvern.
Thanks, all!
Valley Forge area would still include King of Prussia, so you have all the mall restaurants. Rock Bottom, Maggiano's, Cheesecake Factory, etc etc
Aside from that, there is:
Bertucci's in Strafford
Mckenzie's in Frazer
The Desmond
Nector in Berwyn
Meredith's in Berwyn BYO
Basil's in Paoli
Theresa's Trattoria in Wayne
Classic Diner in Malvern
Christopher's in Wayne
They all fit the bill nicely I'd say.
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