I’ve done loads of cruises solo (20+) but only 3 with a friend or relative. Not sailed on VV yet but am in the Med in September.
Most of my cruises were on ships where English speakers were in the minority but I got on fine. I am not looking to make new friends though and I absolutely don’t care about doing anything on my own. I don’t give 2 hoots what others might think either!
I’m not anti social though and will chat to others. I find people are far more likely to talk to you when you’re on your own. Crew will chat too.
For VV, Im envisaging a positive and a negative when it comes to interactions with others. First almost all passengers will be native English speakers or speak it as a second language so I will not have to resort to my limited French, Spanish ir Italian.
The negative is no set table in the main dining room each night where you get to know your tablemates over the cruise.
My biggest worry when considering booking with VV was I was too old. Talking on the VV forum on cruise critic allayed that worry.
Its a beautiful ship with lots of different restaurants. A spa, entertainment and an itinerary I like. So even if the only people I speak to during the week are crew, I’m sure I will still enjoy the experience