when people have things like this.... where I don’t have to talk to anyone if I don’t want to!" i wonder about them and what they really want or will tolerate.
to me, since im solo and lone wolf traveler, i really dont need to add that into my "to do/need" on travel.
I can find people to talk to and not talk to. i talk to who i want when i want, within reason.
but to me, i think you need to so some MINIMAL research on what you want. I think that the reason most people dont know where to go is that they dont have an idea on whats out there. Or they generalize "i want to go to the earth and travel" OK. great. can you narrow it down a bit?
Im heading to Mexico (Mexico city & Cancun) at the end of February, my first dip into Mexico, since i have some vacation time to use or loose. I was going to head to Hawaii, but the hotels/lodging for when and where is too much. mexico isnt any better since its their busy season from what i gather after the fact. Puerto Rico flights were spendy and too long (sort of). But I just did my flights and guess on hotels locations. I usually plan more, but with the short lead time, i had to do some quick decision making. I also picked up a few guide book on Mexico and Central America since i will be hitting those places in the next few years working my way up from S.America. In any case, just browsing through the travel book and what Mexico City has to offer ME, i can see myself spending more than 1 trip there and probably several and also around the country too. For me, there is alot to do/see and just gave mre MORE inspiration to go. Hawaii would have been nice, but Mexico has more draw for me at this time. I may end up going a week every year until i work my way up from the south. and I will have vacation time to use or loose every year anyway.
If you want other peoples opinions or fanboy fav, that up to you, but this isnt my 1st time reading/researching a place that jumped out at me.
If you want, you can use any of the flight serach engines ....just input your departing airport, leave the destination blank and input your dates. It will start from cheapest to more expensive. Maybe price will be an incentive?
and to me, the way i travel and do and see things, its WHEN, not IF. I also see travel as a DO OVER too. it keeps me from asking questions like yours or when people plan to go to someplace like Peru and change their mind due to the unrest, im not worried about it, i just move onto the next country waiting with open arms to greet me and take my money. And there are many out there too.
good luck
Edited: 1 year ago