Repeating a very good experience in 2015, we eagerly embarked on the Kewpie yesterday, taking the 1 pm sailing out of the jetty on Pilot Bay. Unfortunately, we didn't enjoy the cruise as much on this occasion, as the one-hour cruise does not cover as much of the waters of Tauranga harbour as it used to. Yes, we set sail promptly as another reviewer complains, but time and tide..., yes, we sailed out past the statue of Tangaroa, the warrior guarding the entrance, and yes we stopped off at Matakana island to allow some passengers off to enjoy the beach area, but we disembarked less than an hour later, asking each other what was that all about? Last time we sailed much further into the shallower harbour waters, past Fergusson Point, Te Puna, Omokoroa, almost as far as Kati Kati, then sailed back and almost up to the harbour bridge nr. the marina past a variety of ships tied up to the busy quayside. That journey encouraged us to repeat the experience but on the second occasion we landed at Matakana and spent nearly 3 hours enjoying the accessible beach strand, before being plucked up out of the rising tide at 3.15 pm for the return journey to the jetty. This time a very truncated version I'm afraid. The enjoyable bits were Brandon's laconic, but informative, commentary peppered with interesting anecdotes, and with a mastery of Maori language and interpretation. Anna and Leo were charming and helpful too, but struggling to liven up a really disappointing trip.